Drake stealing Hip Hop Culture??

Drake stealing Hip Hop Culture??

culturetax"I heard a guy on the radio say once that 'drake has ruined the hip-hop culture by changing rap into a sappy watered down r&b version of music'. I don't no bout that. but thats not what i do here. I try to figure out if people steal a culture of another race an use it for their own personal gain.
Drake is jewish. His mom is white. Plus hes from canada. rap however was made in usa. But his dad is black. So that counts for something. So did drake steal culture? Does he owe a tax?
I don't think so. Look. People get rap and hip-hop confused. Hip-hop is popular culture. Rap is street culture. Big diff.. Hip-hop is universal. Making it easier for artists like drake to appropriate successfully without much bad feelings. Drake is not a rapper. An never claimed to be from the streets. He is a hip-hop artist. Does he use alot of black people in his videos and do the whole bling bling look at me bravado shtick? Absolutely. But thats what is is. A shtick. Nothing more. Drake simply took something that is ready made for guys like him an ran with it. So no. Drake does not owe a culturetax. A first for this profile. Congrats! 🎆🎉
