Lovely Mimi

Lovely Mimi 

culturetax"The bitch fine to me. Id fuck (wit all due respect to her husband and two kids). Whom i talkn bout? This bitch. lil mimi lovely lolvely mimi. Dont no wat this bitch does but her wiki says shes a musician. Ive never heard her music tho. Y is she on this list. Cause she is known for acting 'black'. how? She cusses alot. Dresses like a hoe. Has kids by a couple of different dudes. Likes black men, fights, and post all this online. But shes not black. shes asian. Which is cool. But usually asians dont act like that. But this one does. Y? I no why. She loves the culture. Loves the swag. Digs the bbc. All thats cool. But on these pics i found of her from way back. She wasnt always like this. A real ghetto bitch was the same bad ass as a little girl. But not her. Shorty went from Nyha luong to Mimi. Nice home. Loving family. Y the change? Is this a case of good girl gone bad or somethin deeper? So does she owe a culturetax? Yeah. Yeah. She sho the hell does. So pay up bitch! #asian
